
Quality Products
From The Jezzine And Zahrani Region
j.Grove (“Jezzine Grove”, or “بستان جزين”) works hand in hand with local farmers and producers to bring you honest, natural quality products from the Jezzine and Zahrani region in Southern Lebanon.
Our products combine local traditional expertise with state-of-the-art equipment, to give you a taste of the region’s heritage and empower the farming community.
Land And Heritage
But this started to change in 2014, when a group of people came together around a common goal: to develop the region’s rural and social sectors, and re-establish its agricultural heritage. This is how the Jezzine and Zahrani (JAZ) Development Company was born.
To date, JAZ has partnered with more than 100 farmers and producers in the region, helping them across all stages of the value chain: pre-harvest, harvest, processing, packaging, branding, and distribution.